Are you ready to sell your house, and is it about to be inspected?
Here is a checklist of items suggested to make the inspection (and therefore, sale) of your home go smoothly.
___ Are all utilities (gas, water, heat) on? The pilot lights for the fireplace and garage heater?
____Is there access to panels, attic openings, furnace and water heater?
____Is there access to the sewer clean out? If a sewer scan is scheduled, access to the clean out is required.
____Are all the circuit breakers turned on? If an appliance is not plugged in, we will mark it as not functional.
____Are all the blinds open and shades pulled up?
____Please leave keys, remote or code to garage if necessary.
____Please secure or remove pets.
____It’s best if the occupants are not in the house during the inspection. If a minor is home alone, we will not be able to conduct the inspection.
____Change the furnace filter, and wipe down exterior pf all mechanicals.
____Clean the inside of all appliances.
_____Do a visual inspection of inside and outside of home for inspection concerns and fix (hanging wires, broken outlet/light switch covers, peeling paint, wood rot. make sure all windows open and function, check for non-functioning mechanicals and appliances).
Special thanks to Deno Howard from Minnesota Premier Realty, Inc for help creating this list.