Hi, I'm joe.
My wife and I used to live on a pretend farm in Grant, MN with a llama named Mack and my spiritual advisor, Kitty, an old black lab. (Don’t let your kids name your pets.) Now we live in St. Paul, about a block from where I grew up as a kid.
I’m personally very passionate about home safety. I like to think the work I do on a daily basis might someday save the life of someone else.
As for my “why,” I learned a lot about being a home inspector from my dad. We had a family-run resort near Pequot Lakes, MN, and we did all the work ourselves: Plumbing, electric, construction, etc.
As it happens, my dad didn’t know much about those things. He thought that three nails was enough for a shingle and black tape was a good substitute for wire nuts. Well, he was wrong.
But he had a great heart and endless curiosity. He was willing to fix the same thing as many times as it took. That led me to have a deep affection for—and general distrust of—the family handyman.
All that said, I treat my clients like I would my dad: With respect and appreciation of their curiosity. My clients aren’t stupid; they simply lack some of the knowledge necessary for owning and maintaining a home.
As a result, my inspection report comes with several links to additional resources, most of which can be found in my blog. The majority of topics within my blog have come to be because someone’s asked about it during an inspection.
Hi, I'm Joe.
My wife and I used to live on a pretend farm in Grant, MN with a llama named Mack and my spiritual advisor, Kitty, an old black lab. (Don’t let your kids name your pets.) Now we live in St. Paul, about a block from where I grew up as a kid.
I’m personally very passionate about home safety. I like to think the work I do on a daily basis might someday save the life of someone else.
As for my “why,” I learned a lot about being a home inspector from my dad. We had a family-run resort near Pequot Lakes, MN, and we did all the work ourselves: Plumbing, electric, construction, etc. As it happens, my dad didn’t know much about those things. He thought that three nails was enough for a shingle and black tape was a good substitute for wire nuts. Well, he was wrong. But he had a great heart and endless curiosity. He was willing to fix the same thing as many times as it took. That led me to have a deep affection for—and general distrust of—the family handyman. All that said, I treat my clients like I would my dad: With respect and appreciation of their curiosity. My clients aren’t stupid; they simply lack some of the knowledge necessary for owning and maintaining a home. As a result, my inspection report comes with several links to additional resources, most of which can be found in my blog. The majority of topics within my blog have come to be because someone’s asked about it during an inspection.Why the name "Paladin?"
In 2007, I was watching a science fiction movie with my youngest son, Don. In the movie, there was a character with a special power. He was surprised when his mom tried to stop him and said, “I didn’t know you were a Paladin!”
I paused the movie and Googled the word. Until that point, the only “paladin” I had ever heard of was a man named Joe Paladin from the old western TV show, Have Gun Will Travel.
As it happens, a Paladin is a class of knight whose job is to protect the residents of the castle.
My role as a home inspector immediately came to mind. I had just launched my business and had not found an appropriate name. Since “Joe’s Home Inspections” was too generic, and “Lundequam” is too hard for some folks to pronounce, the name stuck and still remains to this day.
Why the name "Paladin?"
In 2007, I was watching a science fiction movie with my youngest son, Don. In the movie, there was a character with a special power. He was surprised when his mom tried to stop him and said, “I didn’t know you were a Paladin!”
I paused the movie and Googled the word. Until that point, the only “paladin” I had ever heard of was a man named Joe Paladin from the old western TV show, Have Gun Will Travel.
As it happens, a Paladin is a class of knight whose job is to protect the residents of the castle.
My role as a home inspector immediately came to mind. I had just launched my business and had not found an appropriate name. Since “Joe’s Home Inspections” was too generic, and “Lundequam” is too hard for some folks to pronounce, the name stuck and still remains to this day.